Benbrook Family Dental


Dental hygiene tips for healthy teeth & gums

What Is A Veneer, And Why Is It Required?

We can define dental veneers as thin, tooth-colored shells attached to a tooth’s front surface to enhance its appearance. Veneers may be composed of diverse materials such as porcelain, resin-composite, gold, silver amalgam, and so forth. The primary purpose of dental veneers is to treat various cosmetic concerns such as chipped teeth, broken teeth, gaps between teeth, and so forth. Veneers are an excellent way to procure a smile that is bright, white, and perfectly symmetrical. Now that we have touched upon the basics of dental veneers let us examine a few of its types.

Types of Dental Veneers
The most widely used dental veneers are those made from porcelain. Traditional veneers require a lot of work, so no-prep veneers are used nowadays. In case you are unaware, traditional veneers entail grinding down the tooth structure, and at times removing some of the teeth through the enamel. It is noteworthy to highlight that dental veneers are irreversible and can be pretty painful, and require local anesthesia. On the contrary, no-prep veneers require minimal tooth alterations and no anesthesia. Furthermore, we must highlight that veneers are not the same as tooth implants or crowns. Veneers engulf the front part of the tooth, whereas dental implants replace the entire tooth. 

Advantages of Opting for Veneers
There are several advantages of dental veneers, and some of the common ones are:

  • Veneers can treat broken or chipped tooth
  • They can also fix severe discoloration that cannot be corrected with whitening
  • Veneers can also correct wide teeth gaps
  • They can fix pointy or unusually correct teeth

Reasons for Getting Dental Veneers
The main work that dental veneers do is to make the teeth look better and more aesthetically pleasing. Dental veneers come to the rescue when dental bonding, whitening, and other dental procedures are not enough to correct or fix a damaged tooth. You will require surfaces if you want to alter your teeth’ shape, size, and color. 

The process of getting dental veneers entails cleaning the prepping the teeth first. The dentist has to ensure that there is enough space to bond a dental veneer to the tooth, and for that, they might grind some of the teeth. Initially, temporary veneers are created, which are removable by glue. They have to work for a few days to figure out any problems or wrong angles. After that, the actual veneer is fabricated and then bonded onto the tooth. 

It would be best if you chose veneers because they are more effective than filling and bonding. Veneers can also make your smile more aesthetically appealing.  They can transform an average smile into a stellar smile.

Therefore, we can assert that dental veneers are a cosmetic treatment used to correct various anomalies in a person’s teeth. They are far more effective and less invasive than other dental techniques like whitening or bonding. 

Schedule your appointment with a dentist today and get the treatment on time!